Positive Tinker If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

First post

What makes for a good blog? For starters, it needs to have content.

That seems to be the hardest part, if you’re not particularly inclined to sit down and write. Pretty big obstacle, actually.

Let’s take it one step at a time. First I need to have someplace to write, so I’ll set up a blog. It has to have the perfect theme, too, so I’d better search around for a few hours and then finally build one from scratch. Getting kind of late… best write a quick welcome post so the site isn’t completely empty. There, that’ll do for today; tomorrow I’ll sit down and start blogging in earnest.

…years pass…

Setting up the blog is the fun part, at least for me. I’ve done it a dozen times.

Starting is easy when starting something enjoyable. For now, writing is a chore. Jotting down a few notes after a flash of inspiration is a simple thing, but then there are just a few lines of scribble in my notebook and it’s drudgery to get anything done.

I’ve read that willpower is a muscle. Maybe I should force myself to sit down and write? Nah, that’s no fun. What I need to do is reduce the barrier to entry. Some way to go straight from inspiration to blog post without all the boring in between.

So here I am, inspirationing directly into OneNote on my phone. I’ll figure out how to publish this as a post, eventually. That’ll be fun.
